
Saturday, December 27, 2014

Super Cute Usb Flash Drives

Take a look at this super cute usb flash drives perfect to save your files. If you are a owl lover like myself, then you probably would agree that this cute owl flash drive is adorable.  Flash drives- are in every store, but mostly all of them are pretty simple and boring. Since I like having cute stuff with me, i rather own a cute usb drive than a boring one.  If you're a teenage girl or tween, then you probably want a cute flash drive rather than a boring one. I will list the cutest usb flash drives i find around the internet.      


                                What an adorable flash drive of Stich from Lilo & Stich. This adorable flash drive reminds me of my childhood. When I would wake up excited in the morning to watch my favorite show. If you're a Lilo & Stich fan then youprobably agree with me about the cuteness of this drive. You can take it anywhere you want. The flash drive is a 8gb and comes just like the photo above.

The character Olaf from frozen has gained the hearts of many people, children and adults. This cute snowman is so innocent and cute that we cannot hold into falling in love for him. The cool thing is that we can now carry it around with us along with our files. I already ordered this cute little usb drive. It's too cute  and I am a Frozen fan. 

Who said girls cannot be a batman fan? I know many we are, pre-teens and teens love him. Your
hero will save your files now. 

Though this flash drive might not seem cute for some of you, for a makeup guru and fashionista might be. This is a usb drive in form of a lipstick. Classy and cute. The cool thing about it is that you can carry in your makeup bag if you desire or with your keys. 

Now this is unique and delicious looking. Everyone loves Oreos . What a cool way to know carry your files around. So where are your files? Inside the cookie. :-) The flash drive looks exactly like a cookie, you can even trick your friends into thinking it's an oreo.

This beautiful pendant usb drive is absolutely gorgeous. You can slide in and out the flash drive. Now you would never forget your flash drive as you can wear this flower pendant like a necklace. Cute, shiny, and beautiful. The flowers come in different colors in case you don't like rose colors. :-) 

I know this might seem like a very obvious one. Animal farm animals are considered cute and I agree. This cute piglet flash drive would be ideal for anyone. In fact for those bacon lovers out there. 

Mario Bros is a classic. Everyone knows him and somewhat adores him. All his life his only 
interest is Princess Peach and we don't quite realize until we are older. I use to play his video games and I bet you did too. Now you can take him with you. What an adorable gift for a Mario bros fan aka video gamer. 

A cute monkey as a flash drive? Why not. 

Nemo. Another adorable character and well loved too. Personally the movie is one of my favorite ones. This nemo flash drive is baby Nemo getting lost in your bag because he ate your files. 

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